KR-40P Rack Slurry Ice Machine with a Pre-Cooler

K-40PR is the most powerful slurry ice machine we have to offer. This powerhouse can produce up to 12.677 ltr/hour of slurry ice. 

Brochure (USA – letter size)

K-40PR Slurry Ice Machine

K-40PR is a Slurry Ice Machine with precooler in a rack version and has the highest performing capacity of standard Slurry Ice Machine. We make to order higher performing machines.

Maximize catch value with perfect cooling

Correct handling and perfect cooling of catch from the catching moment to delivery is the key to maximizing catch value. Kæling ehf. specializes in cooling any catch from the sea from when it is caught until it is produced on land.

Why use slurry ice?

Slurry ice is one of the best cooling methods for catch available. Slurry ice completely surround all the catch and thus ensures more even and better cooling e.g. compared to traditional ice. Spots due to uneven cooling by ice flakes is a thing of the past. Slurry ice is easily pumped through pipes to the places of usage, whether it is on board or at processing stations on land.

Slurry ice on board fishing vessels and at fisheries on land

The popularity of slurry ice is growing rapidly both on board fishing vessels and at processing stations on land. Slurry ice is excellent for all catches from the sea and very good for a variety of foods. The thickness of a slurry ice can vary from 15% to 40% of an ice concentrate. Thin slurry ice of 15-20% is used in processing but thicker up to 40% when slurry ice is used for storing catch in tubs.

K-40PR Slurry Ice Machine at a glance

The K-40PR can produce up to 12.677 liters of slurry ice per hour. The machine is equipped with a pre-cooler that ensures even performance at up to 15°C sea temperature. The salt content must be at least 2.6% NaCl. If needed salinity is not available, brine systems can be utilized. Sea usage at 15°C is up to 28.000 liters per hour and sea filtration 30 microns.
Ice production capacity at 0° sea temperature: 12.667 l/hour of 10% ice and 3.716 l/hour of 40% ice.
Pre-cooler:  Enables even capacity at sea temp up to +15°C.
Production at 0°C sea temperature:  129.310 kcal/hour.
Minimum salinity:  2,6 % NaCl
Operating Power Consumption:  111 Kw
Measurements in mm (LxWxH):  2000x1300x1850
Weight:  1.490 kg
Refrigerant:  449A
Filtration:  30 my
Sea usage at 15°C:  28.000 l/hour.

Compact equipment and flexible installation

The Slurry Ice Machine takes up little space in terms of capacity and is assembled from independent units. The installation flexibility is very good, in fact so good that The Slurry Ice Machines have always been installed despite limited space. Control panels for ice machines are computer-controlled and with touch screens. Multiple control panels can be installed with each Slurry Ice Machine. It is common to have a control panel on a bridge and others on a working deck. Pipes are led from The Slurry Ice Machine to the place or places where there is use for the slurry ice.  

Durability and reliability

The first Slurry Ice Machine from Kæling was installed in 2005 and all the machines that Kæling ehf. has installed and serviced are still in use. With regular service inspection and proper maintenance, the live time of the machines can be expected up to 25 years or even longer.  

About us

Kæling ehf. is a leading company in the field of comprehensive cooling solutions for the fishing industry. We are constantly working on enabling our customers to maximize their catch value with expert cooling at all levels. Cooling solutions from Kæling have gained a foothold both in Iceland and abroad, as they have stood the test of time for quality, reliability, performance, durability, and good service..

Contact us

Do not hesitate to contact us. We pride ourselves on providing excellent service and only offer high-quality products that we trust and know will deliver increased catch value. We have wide range of pre-designed Slurry Ice Machines and offer made-to-order solution for all kinds and sizes of fishing vessels and fisheries.
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