Kæling offers sea coolers of high quality, designed for those who want to use modern technology to optimize the catch value and maintain peak product quality.

Sea coolers are used on many levels in the food production, both on sea and land to enhance the quality of the catch and to ensure the freshness of the products. Proper cooling technique slows down the growth of bacteria and reduces the activity of enzymes in the catch.

Sea coolers are used to cool the fish
after gutting and washing, before it is placed in the hold. By using sea coolers, the catch can be cooled beneath 0°C before being iced into fish tubs
below deck.

By cooling the fish instantly into chilled tanks with cold sea, the ice required for the catch is minimized. Where sea temperature is high it is necessary to cool the fish down to 0 – 2°C before it goes into slurry ice.

Key Benefits
Sea Coolers cool the fish after gutting and washing, minimizing bacteria growth and enzyme activity.
Increased Shelf Life with rapid chilling and exact temperature control.
The catch can be cooled beneath 0°C before icing.
Limits ice requirements on board.
Maximizes the flow (Max Flow).

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